You're participation is urgent,

so have a Laffathon right now!



       The Laffathon experiment can help you every day! Challenge yourself on a daily basis to laugh and smile more. Try at least 400 times each and everyday, especially when you don't feel like it. Because that is when you could benefit the most from all of laughter's benefits. 

       You will  see and experience the positive results yourself. The more you become aware of power of laughter the more you will want to use this healthy, free and accessible activity to enhance your life and the lives of others.

       Try it right now. Pretend like you are a Hollywood superstar (after all we know you are dahling.)  Imagine that you have a big scene which requires you to laugh. Go ahead. Just start laughing.

        Feel better? Of course you do! That is because your body responds to laughter and produces good-feeling hormones and releases  endorphins helping you combat stress and relax and enjoy life more. Laughing is the road that leads to happiness. Laughter begets happiness and in turn happiness begets laughter.

The Laffathon Experiment

Kevin Perez is not just an awesome hairstylist, he's also a Laffathon creative collaborator, and original member of the Laffathon comedy troupe, The Royal Noodles. Kevin has also performed standup as the Las Vegas Baby. Kevin's a superstar, triple-threat talent, he acts, sings and dances. What doesn't this guy do? 

Dr. Bob Pizziment is a healer and owner of the Innate Healing Center and Goldengate Cafe and is internationally recognized for his unique style of doctoring and his work as a community leader.has been helping rebuild Detroit's community spirit and assisting the city with living up to it's name "the Renaissance City". Dr. 



 Our Laughter Expert has Street Cred 

       Smokey Rain is a glad scientist (field gelotologist) who conducts laughter experiments and applies humor therapy. As a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Rain wears her heart on her sleeve. Rain began performing comedy in the 90's and became Detroit's premiere jester. Client's include: World's Largest Outdoor Circus, Wayne State University, Gilda's Club, Ford Motor Co., and Mobile Oil.

       Upon seeing positive results, Rain set forth to bring the Laffathon Experiment to the world as a catalyst for positive change. Rain received positive feedback for her Declaration of Interdependence declaring one tribe for all people which made national news in 1997.

       Rain is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker (two Producers Awards, Mokihana Film Festival, Hawaii) versed in all aspects of film production.

Terence Pratt enjoys advising and supporting the Laffathon experiment. As a former Councilmember of Cottonwood (AZ) for seven years  and current English instructor at Yavapai College Terence is a lover of community spirit and enrichment and is well known for organizing and hosting many events in the Verde Valley. His literary hero is Don Quixote, "an eternal optimist". ​

Rain's first meeting with Mayor Diane Joens of Cottonwood,  AZ, on March 11, 2015 was a success. The two shared laughs while creating a strategy to enliven the city with humor and generate laughter.

Lighten up! 

Our mission

All Aboard!

Brighter Days

The Big Cheese...

Our fellow experimenters come from all walks of life and all over the globe. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun! If you want up-to-date information about the LAFFATHON and how it can help you then you have come to the right place. Join today, jest laugh. If you would like to document and share photos, videos and the results of your own experimentation please submit them to Dr. Smokey Rain: smokeyrainbows@gmail.com or leave a comment on our contact page.

We strive to provide current, accurate information your family can depend on. We aim to:

  • Serve the world in experimenting with and experiencing more humor and happiness.
  • Upload the latest and greatest news and advice on a regular basis
  • Respond to our members’ inquiries in a timely manner
  • Collaborate with others and act as an advocate for those in need
  • Promote general wellness for all our fellow experimenters.